IImpianti in ceramica

Impianti in ceramica totalmente privi di metallo

Simile alla radice del dente naturale da un punto di vista estetico e funzionale.

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Benvenuti da ZERAMEX® - il marchio leader mondiale per impianti in ceramica Made in Switzerland.


CeramTec Switzerland con il marchio forte ZERAMEX® è un innovativo produttore svizzero e leader tecnologico mondiale nella produzione di impianti bifasici in ceramica privi di metallo. ZERAMEX rappresenta un sistema implantare in ceramica integrale collau-dato e di prima qualità, prodotto in Svizzera, che risponde a una na-turale esigenza da parte dei pazienti di un’estetica accattivante e di una salute a lungo termine dei tessuti molli. Il fiore all’occhiello di CeramTec Switzerland è l’impianto bifasico in ceramica Zeramex XT, che offre la massima flessibilità chirurgica e protesica grazie all’avvitamento reversibile e al portfolio illimitato.



Per odontoiatri e cliniche: tutte le informazioni sui sistemi implantari e i servizi ZERAMEX®

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Per i pazienti: informazioni sugli impianti dentali senza metallo e ricerca del dentista

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Media & Download

Media & Download

Ricco di materiale informativo sul sistema ZERAMEX® pronto per il download.

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Dr. med. dent. Jens Tartsch

President European Society for Ceramic Implantology (ESCI), Chairman German Society for Ecological Dentistry (DEGUZ)

"We had a big technology shift. The outcome and survival rates of zirconia implants are similar to titanium. According to the existing literature, zirconia implants show similar osseointegration as titanium implants. With some ceramic implants concepts, we have comparable surgical procedures. Besides that, with zirconia implants patients have healthier peri-implant soft tissue. This is what we can observe now as clinicians ... what makes me believe in ceramic implants."

Dr. Saurabh Gupta

Education Director/Board Member der International Academy of Ceramic Implantology

"Zeramex has opened up a whole new world of patient solutions in ceramic implants. Studies have proven that the ceramic implants have a reliable osseointegration, are soft tissue friendly and show high-end and stable aesthetic results. Zeramex's ongoing commitment to quality & continual innovations provide practitioners with more metal-free options than any other ceramic implant company. The surgical and prosthetic flexibility including the unique 3.5 mm diameter allows me to treat the specific needs of each and every patient. And I am very satisfied with results I was able to achieve with the XT system."

Dr. Nashat Gara

"I have been working with the ceramic implant system Zeramex XT since 2019 and I am extremely satisfied with the results I have been able to achieve. Both the surgeon and the prosthetist can rely on the system. My experiences also show that Zeramex XT is the best possible implant solution for the anterior area. The Vicarbo screw is the ideal connection between the implant and the abutment. There has been no screw loosening in any Zeramex XT implant inserted to date. Indeed, ceramic implants fulfil patients' preferences for natural aesthetics as well as healthy soft tissue. My patients are happy to have a highly aesthetic, durable and metal-free restoration."